Page 4 - HP3A 003 Lief and the troll
P. 4

Leif  however did not like it when

 his father would talk like this as he

 would like to do things that were

 only to his liking.  Leif  however had

 ambitions of  traveling the world

 and exploring new things. His

 father begged and pleaded his son

 to not leave but this only made Leif     Leif  walked up to the house of  troll

 want to leave even more. Become   and knocked on the huge door and

 departing his father gave him one   the out came a huge ugly troll that

 piece of  advice, to not work for the   was not a pleasant sight to look at.

 trolls.Knowing Leif  however, the    Leif  took one look at the troll and

 first thing he did when he left was to   asked directly for work from the troll

 go work for the trolls.  his father strictly told him not to.
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