Page 7 - HP3A 006 John Davison Rockefeller
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support. So, he started some small                                                                                           was to pay him back in a year with a

            business ventures on his own. He                                                                                             7% interest. Many years later a 53-

            would sometimes make candy to sell                                                                                           year old John said that that was an

            to his neighbors’ children.  At other                                                                                        important step in him learning to let

            times he would do some jobs for his                                                                                          his money work for him instead of

            neighbors. He even went on to start                                                                                          always working for his money. That

            a small turkey farm. With this, he                                                                                           remains a principle in good money

            was able to raise about $50 which                                                                                            management till today. 12-year-old

            is somewhere around $1200 today                                                                                              John later moved with his family to

            when he was just 12 years old. When                                                                                          Owego, New York in 1851 where

            his mother realized this, she gave                                                                                           he attended the Owego Academy.

            him an instruction which taught                                                                                              They moved to Cleveland, Ohio

            him a vital lesson. She told him to                                                                                          two years later where John later

            loan the money to a farmer who                                                                                               graduated from High school. He
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