Page 51 - BP2Y 002 Listening Success BT4
P. 51
A. Listen and answer the following questions. Note taking
1. What is the topic of discussion about? Topic :
business customers
business competition
anti-competitive businesses Main idea :
monopolistic business
2. What is competition?
a situation of two businesses providing different goods to 1 Major point :
the same group of people
a situation of two businesses providing different goods to
different groups of people Details :
a situation of two businesses providing the same goods
to different groups of people
a situation of two businesses providing the same goods
to the same group of people
3. What happens when businesses compete?
2 Major point :
Prices go down.
More customers are attracted.
The quality of their product is improved.
Details :
all of the above
4. What happens when a business has no competition?
A monopoly is created.
Prices are lower.
Quality is higher.
3 Major point :
all of the above
B. Check True or False.
1. Competition between businesses is Details :
normally a good thing.
2. When there is competition, businesses try
harder to make a good product.
3. Competition is bad for the customer, but
good for the business.
Unit 8. Competition 51