Page 3 - HP3A 011 Stock Market
P. 3

merchants traded in the late 13th

             and  early  14th  century  was  in

             Antwerp. Antwerp is a city in

             Belgium with a current population

             of  520,000 people. It is one of  the

             most populous cities in Belgium in

             the present. Merchants would go to

             Antwerp because it was the place                                                                                            and trade goods became a popular

             they would meet and exchange                                                                                                one, so neighboring countries started

             products. The Van der Beurze family                                                                                         to follow this later on.

             was the family to host and provide                                                                                          In the mid-13th century, citizens

             the physical location because they                                                                                          from Venice, known as Venetians,

             owned a building in Antwerp. The                                                                                            began to trade in government

             idea of  getting together in a place                                                                                        securities. Only Venetian bankers
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