Page 13 - HB1B 011 Thumbellina
P. 13
Thumbellina cried after realizing
she was hopeless. Luckily, some
little guppies heard her sorrow and
chewed the roots off the lily pad.
Thumbellina’s lily pad floated and
after a couple of hours of floating,
she got on land. During the summer,
she ate the berries that fell from the
through the open window and said, humongous trees and drank the dew
“Such a lovely girl. You will be the off the leaves where she slept. But
perfect bride for my handsome son.” when winter came, she wasn’t able to
The frog kidnapped Thumbellina find shelter and had no other choice
and put her on a lily pad as he but to roam. Soon, a kind mouse saw
hopped off to find his son. the poor girl walking by herself. He