Page 3 - HP3A 007 The Mightiest Demigod, Hercules
P. 3

Hercules was one of  those sons, but

             the mightiest of  them all. When

             Hercules was born, Alcmene named

             him this way which meant “glorious

             gift of  Hera”. However due to this

             Hera was infuriated further thus

             trying to kill Hercules by sending

             snakes into his crib. However,                                                                                              she could.

             Hercules with his super strength

             even as a baby strangled each snake                                                                                         Eurystheus and Hercules

             with his bare hands before it could                                                                                         Hercules grew up to be a fine young

             bite him. Thus, Hera decided to take                                                                                        man and a warrior and eventually

             her revenge in a different way by                                                                                           married a woman named Megara. He

             making Hercules’ life as miserable as                                                                                       had two children and life was happy,
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