Page 16 - HP1A 005 Master Man
P. 16

the farmers and Shadusa could

         respond, they heard a ROAR from

         far away. As they looked across them,

         the floor starting shacking. The

         porters dropped their bundles and

         started running with the farmers

         and Shadusa. Soon, the porters and

         the farmers outran Shadusa. When

 the farmers saw the Master Man,   he stopped to take a break, he met

 they dropped their hoes and started   a stranger. “What is the matter?”

 running. All six of  them ran without   asked the stranger. “Master Man

 looking back. Soon, they encountered   is following me! We have to run!”

 ten porters carrying bundles. “Why   replied Shadusa. “Master Man? I am

 are you running?” they asked. Before   Master Man. Let me fight him!” said
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