Page 9 - HP2A 006 George Washington
P. 9

that they were not represented at   Seeing all this, as well as serving as

 the British Parliament, despite being   a military officer in the French and

 loyal to the crown and fighting with   Indian War, George Washington

 the British, as well as the huge role   was well poised to become the

 that the colonies had in the British   leading general of  the continental

 economy, continuously dissatisfied   army by the time that the war for

 the settlers. This would eventually   independence started.

 boil up to the Boston Tea Party,

 which was something that happened   3. Military career

 due to the excessive taxes that

 Britain was imposing on America on   George Washington's military career

 tea, something that the Americans,   started when he decided to join the

 being British in descent, immensely   Virginian state militia as a major.

 enjoyed.  His brother, Lawrence, died as the
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