Page 33 - Reading Success B7
P. 33

Count Dracula, the Transylvanian vampire, has haunted the imagination of the
             world for fewer than 100 years. However, the horrible bloodsucking creature has

             lurked in the legends of Europe since the ninth century. The fanged creature came
             out of the shadows in 1897 in the pages of a novel titled Dracula.  It seems that

             Dracula is based on a real person, a tyrant named Vlad. Vlad, was nicknamed the
             Impaler and was also known as  Draculaea        or “son of the Devil.” Vlad ruled a

             land called Wallachia from 1456 to 1462. In that time, he is said to have executed
             40,000 people by impaling them on long  stakes      . No one was immune from his

             brutal whim.

               However, like many stories that have been absorbed into folklore, the vampire

             legend has some medically related backing also. During the late Middle Ages,

             interbreeding among eastern European nobles led to various genetic disorders,
             including a rare disease known as erythropoietic protoporphyria. The disease itself
             was not diagnosed until the 19th century, but records of the time have convinced

             doctors that many so called vampires were in fact victims of this disease. Since

             sufferers rarely lived long, most would have been children.

               The disorder makes the body produce too much porphrin - a substance basic to

             red blood cells. This resulted in redness of the skin, eyes, and teeth, a receding
             upper lip, and cracks in the skin that bled when exposed to light. Doctors then

             could only treat the condition by locking the patients away during the day and by
             encouraging them to drink blood to replace what they lost by bleeding. In the end,

             however, it was probably the rumors of these nocturnal blood drinkers that led to
             the creation of these vampire stories in the region and in our time today.

               Main Idea

             What is the main idea of this story?

             a. the legend of Count Dracula
             b. some possible origins of the vampire myth

             c. the symptoms of the disease erythropoietic protoporphyria
             d. the life of Vlad the Impaler

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