Page 27 - HP1A 008 American Civil War
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because they were not able to push In March 1864, Ulysses S. Grant
the Union forces to the back. Lee's became the supreme commander
remaining forces were able to escape of the Union army after Lincoln
the tragic battle into Virginia, which thought that his strategies would
was the last invasion the Confederate help the North win the war. Halleck
did against the North. After the was replaced, and William T.
Confederate won the battle at Sherman controlled the forces in
Georgia, Lincoln decided to expand the West. Grant decided to head to
the troops and allow Grant to have Washington and fight Lee's troops
more control over the soldiers. in northern Virginia. He fought
Ulysses S. Grant led his forces to win with his troops in the Battle of
victory in Georgia in late November. Wilderness and other battles with
heavy casualties. Moreover, he
Chapter 5: Union Victory planned a strategy to put Petersburg