Page 19 - HP2A 004 Bas Celik Head of Steel
P. 19

When he left, the prince unlocked

 one room after another, discovering

 all sorts of  treasures. Finally, he

 decided to disregard his father-in-

 law’s advice and unlock the ninth


 Upon entering, he saw a man bound

 in chains. That man was Bas Celik.   man asked for another one. When he

 He asked the prince to fetch him a   drank that one, he asked for another

 glass of  water. He said he would   glass. When the prince fetched the

 grant the prince one extra life for   third glass of  water, Bas Celik broke

 every glass of  water he received.   his chains, grabbed the princess and

 The prince gave him one, so the   flew off  into the sky.
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