Page 8 - HP2B 004 Learn about Brazillian folklore and all its cultural variety
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well as religious ceremonies, jokes, They are dance rhythms, such as
divinations, proverbs and even the cateretê, polka, maxixe, lundu, baião,
most delicious food recipes! samba, frevo, xaxado, fandango,
vanera, xote, maracatu, ciranda,
Do not miss out on prayers, spells, jongo, tirana, catira, batuque, stick
dances, singers and nicknames of tape, quadrilha and cantigas de
of people and places, as well as roda.
tongue-in-cheads, parties, crafts and
everything else you can imagine that They are also well-known the
is inherently linked to a country's melodies escravos de jô, sapo cururu,
culture, often intertwined, many o cravo e a rosa, ciranda cirandinha
musical forms, whether purely and atirei o pau no gato.
instrument or with song.
Other examples of music are the