Page 7 - HP3A 012 The Puppet Master
P. 7

a little creepy. So he had the funny                                                                                         into a puppet. When Aung got up

            idea of  asking the puppets for help.                                                                                        and gotten over his shock, he looked

            So he turned to the first puppet and                                                                                         carefully all around the tree and to

            asked if  the area was safe. To his                                                                                          his surprise there was a tiger paw

            amazement, the puppet came to life                                                                                           track on the side of  the tree. So he

            and came down from the pole and                                                                                              slept not on the ground but on the

            grew to life size. The god puppet                                                                                            branches of  the tree. He was lucky

            turned toward Aung and told him                                                                                              because there was a tiger prowling

            to him the first step to wisdom. The                                                                                         at night below the tree where Aung

            puppet explained that if  that if  he                                                                                        that rested.

            cannot see what is right in front

            of  him how easy must it be to be                                                                                              The next day Aung’s adventure

            misguided. Then the puppet went                                                                                              took him to the mountains where

            back into the pole and turned back                                                                                           he had found rest a little way up
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