Page 29 - HP2A 007 Adolf Hitler
P. 29
Western Allied forces of America, Under the slogan total victory
Britain, and Russia started marching or total ruin, the entire German
into Germany. nation was forced to fight in the
war. They were often not trained or
Defeat even equipped. With a unsuccessful
assassination attempt on July
With staggering losses in the 20th, 1944, by a group of formal
German war Hitler went into hiding politicians and military men, Hitler
withdrawing himself from the public became to tightened his reign of
entirely. Under immense pressure terror. As the Nazi party was coming
Hitler started to come more and to an end with the Russian forces
more erratic, refusing counseling in the outskirts of Berlin, Hitler
from his military generals and hid in his underground bunker in
suspected betrayal everywhere. Berlin. He began to go crazy and