Page 15 - HP2B 001 River Mumma
P. 15

river. The sun was high in the sky                                                                                           the clothes and turned the corner.

            and being alone to wash would give                                                                                           There, he saw a woman sitting on

            Bastian some time to figure out a                                                                                            a rock, combing her dark hair. He

            plan. He took the basket of  clothes                                                                                         was about to turn away, to give her

            to the riverbank and began to scrub.                                                                                         privacy, when she scooted her body

            He made sure each piece of  clothing                                                                                         further on the rock. He saw that her

            was clean before he gently layed                                                                                             bottom half  was shiny and scaly, like

            them over the big rocks to dry.                                                                                              a fish! It was blue/green in color and

               Once he had finished, he stepped                                                                                          sparkled as she sun hit it. Bastian

            into the river to wash the soap                                                                                              couldn’t believe his eyes.

            off  his hands. He looked around                                                                                                As she continued to comb her hair,

            him and allowed the cool breeze                                                                                              he saw that the rest of  her bottom

            to blow through his hair. He stood                                                                                           half  had a tailfin. Bastian wondered

            up and took a few steps away from                                                                                            if  he was seeing the River Mumma.
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