Page 22 - HP2B 001 River Mumma
P. 22

noticed the golden comb and was

 shocked. Neither of  them had ever

 seen anything so beautiful. It had

 diamonds and rubies all over it. Saba

 asked Bastian where he had found

 it and he told her of  his encounter

 with the River Mumma. He said he

 wanted to sell it; he knew a comb   them. Bastian assured her, that if

 made of  solid gold would give them   they sold it, their luck would turn

 enough money to take care of  all   around for good.

 their troubles. Saba said she was      That night, when Bastian fell

 unsure of  that idea and told him he   asleep, he slipped into a dream. He

 should have left it by the rocks. She   dreamt of  himself  in the river-

 was worried bad luck would follow   underwater. He saw the River
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