Page 8 - HP2A 013 The legend of Gautama Buddha
P. 8
concerning Siddhartha Gautama from his lifetime or some centuries
showed that he was born in the thereafter. There are however many
Shakya clan, a community of the events where the Emperors would
eastern Indian subcontinent during go on pilgrimages to the Buddha’s
the 5th century BCE. Siddhartha birthplace in Lumbini. The oldest
was of royalty born as his father surviving Buddhist manuscripts
was elected chieftain of the small are the Gandharan Buddhist texts,
republic. This place is the same reported to have been found in
location as modern-day Nepal. He Hadda and near Jalabad which is
is believed to have obtained his in Afghanistan. Now it is being
enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, gave preserved in the British Library.
his first sermon in Sarnath, and died
in Kushinagar. There are no written Conception and Birth
records about Gautama found Gautama was born in Lumbini