Page 13 - HP1B 008 Visting the Museum
P. 13

It was a very different procedure   stone and it is the only remaining

 than the paper and pen we   evidence that King Narmer or

 usually use today. Don’t you   Menes was able to unify the two

 think kids?” Adam answered   regions of  Egypt, Upper Egypt

 excitedly, “Ver y different   and Lower Egypt in one unified

 indeed!”  kingdom, beginning the dynastic

 Hassan pointed towards a huge   era of  the Egyptian history.” He

 stone carving saying that this   turned towards the kids “As you

 was the famous Narmer Plate   can see kids, the name of  King

 or the Plate of  King Menes, he   Menes is inscribed on the two

 then explained; “The Narmer   sides of  the plate.

 Plate is a large plate made of
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