Page 7 - HP1B 008 Visting the Museum
P. 7

Forty-five minutes later they   started the tour by saying “This

 arrived at the museum, got their   is  the Museum  of   Egyptian

 tickets and got inside to meet   Antiquities commonly known

 their guide and start the journey   as the Egyptian museum, it

 inside this marvelous place.   houses an extensive collection of

 To their delight, Adam and   ancient Egyptian antiquities, and

 Sarah found out that their guide   with more than 120,000 items.

 was Hassan, the same guide   It is one of  the largest museums

 who showed them around the   in the region. To walk around

 Pyramids and made them fall   the museum is to embark on an

 in love with it. Hassan led the   adventure through time.”

 group inside the entrance and
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