Page 12 - HP3A 005 King of the Cats
P. 12

to himself. So Peter quickly hid

         behind a tree. Just the a dog rushed

         into the meadow barking with all its

         might, behind followed a dozen cats

         with bows and arrows riding on the

         backs of  foxes, then came out the

         black cat that was sitting on Father

         Allen’s lap. He came with the golden

 side. He was halfway through a   crown upon his head. Peter looked

 meadow and up to stand of  trees   at the sight with awe. At first glance

 when he heard a commotion from   he thought that the dog was leading

 beyond the meadow. He could hear a   the cats outside but then he realized

 dog barking and chorus of  meows. It   that the cats were actually hunting

 must be thoughts cats, Peter thought   the dog. Just then the fox that the
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