Page 20 - HP1B 001 The Wood Cutter
P. 20
spread his wealth with others for the merchant stopped him.
sake of Mushkil Gusha. The rich merchant looked at the
As soon as he said that a bag filled little boy and gave him a big hug
with nuts fell by the woodcutter and told him that he was his long
but he could not find the person lost father and that he was stolen at
responsible for throwing it. What birth.
he did see was an orphan street boy The next day, the princess went back
walking by. out to the royal garden for another
The old man called the little boy swim. But before she went into the
over and told him stories of Mushkil water she noticed something next to
Gusha and shared the back of nuts the tree. It was her necklace that she
with him. had lost, she was embarrassed at the
The beggar boy went on his way. But sight of her lost necklace.
he’d only gone a block when a rich So she immediately told her father