Page 21 - Reading Success B2
P. 21
Parrots are brightly colored birds that live in the warmer parts of the world.
There are more than 310 kinds of parrots. They range in size from the pygmy
parrot, only three inches long, to the macaws, which are more than three feet
Parrots have large beaks. Both the upper and lower parts of their beaks are
hinged and can be moved up and down. Parrots use their beaks for cracking nuts
and seeds, for smoothing their feathers, and for climbing. Some parrots hang by
their beaks. Parrots have four toed feet. Two front toes and the two rear toes can
be closed like fingers of a hand. Parrots also use their feet when climbing. They
are among the best climbing birds. Parrots have loud, harsh voices. The gray
parrot of Africa and the green Amazon parrot can easily be taught to “talk.” Parrots
cannot understand what they say; they simply mimic, or imitate , the sounds of
Parakeets are middle sized parrots that live in Australia, Asia, Africa and the
Polynesian Islands of the Pacific. There were once large numbers of parakeets in
the southern and eastern United States. But they were killed for their bright
feathers, and because they ate fruit crops. The last of these parakeets was seen
in 1910.
Macaws, which live in Central and South America, are the largest and most
brightly colored parrots. Lovebirds are small, plump African parrots. They choose
a mate for life and stay together in pairs.
Main Idea
What is the main idea of this story?
a. parrots, parakeets, and macaws
b. pirates, paratroopers, and macaroons
c. Africa, Asia, and Australia
d. African parrots called the Lovebirds
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