Page 10 - Reading Success B6
P. 10
Reading Questions
Choose the best answer.
1. Crude oil is composed of
a. hydrogen and carbon
b. hydrogen and helium
c. carbon and nitrogen
d. carbon and argon
2. Which of these was mentioned first in the passage?
a. Crude oil is believed to have been formed from very small plants and
animals that lived in ancient seas and oceans a very long time ago.
b. As these plants and animals die, they sink to the bottom of the sea where
they mix with mud, sand, and clay.
c. Year after year, more mud and sediments are deposited on the sea floor.
d. This combination of increased temperature and pressure causes the
organic material to change into crude oil.
3. After small plants and animals die
a. they sunk to the bottom of the sea
b. they floated around the sea
c. they were buried by their owners
d. none of the above
4. As you go deeper into the earth,
a. the weight of all the mud and rocks above increase the pressure
b. the temperature of the Earth becomes hotter
c. the temperature of the Earth becomes cooler
d. none of the above
5. What would a car need to keep it running?
a. fuel from crude oil
b. air
c. hydrogen
d. carbon
6. In the passage, the word ancient means
a. antique
b. new
c. artistic
d. modern
unit 2_13