Page 15 - HP2A 005 the princess and the god
P. 15
When the sun started to rise on can only see my presence because
the third day, Savitri left the hall you prayed and didn’t eat. Now the
of worship and saw her husband time has come to take Satyavan’s
heading to the forest with an soul,” said the god of death.
axe on his shoulder. She ran to Yama approached Satyavan and
Satyavan and said, “I will go with took a little bit of his soul, no
you.” bigger than his thumb. Soon,
“Stay here, you should eat some Satvayan’s breathing completely
wild plants and sleep a little bit,” stopped. Yama placed the likeness
answered Satyavan. he took from Satyavan and put it
“Who are you?” asked Savitri inside his red robe. “Happiness
trembling in fear. awaits to a man full of virtue in
“I am Yama, god of death. You my kingdom,” said Yama.