Page 25 - Mosaic HCM - Workforce Ready Product Sheets
P. 25
Succession Planning Tools
Identify and develop top talent, build and maintain talent pools, Succession
and engage and retain employees Plans Work
» 62 percent of employees say
Recruiting the best employees and developing their skills and knowledge are critically important for your they would be significantly
organization’s success, but if you’re not planning for future staffing needs, you’re missing an opportunity to engage more engaged if their company
and retain employees and create stability and continuity in your operations. had a succession plan 1
» 78 percent say they would
Interactive succession planning tools help you identify and prepare talent for advancement or promotion into more stay longer if they could see a
challenging roles within your organization. The succession planning tools in unified human capital management career path at their current job 2
(HCM) suite help you to develop a talent pipeline and build bench strength with employees who have the current
skills or potential to be successful.
Why Succession Planning?
Identify and prepare employees to step Engage and retain superior employees Increase visibility to employee readiness
into key roles as the organization grows who appreciate the time, attention, and and potential. Informal succession
and expands its services and offerings. development you’re investing in them. planning leaves information gaps. Evaluate your talent pool by comparing and
Having replacement employees ready Employees are engaged and motivated A formal approach minimizes both contrasting employee status across multiple
when promotions, resignations, and when they can see a career path for their retention risks and the impact of a loss metrics. Identify top talent and prepare
reorganizations occur lets you quickly continued growth and development. and demonstrates a commitment to employees for future growth.
and efficiently fill open positions. mentoring and developing employees
to advance in their careers.