Page 133 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 133

Additional Unemployment Benefits (5/5)

      Payment by a Union                             Guaranteed Annual Wage                               State Employees

     Benefits paid to you as an unemployed               Payments you receive                          Payments similar to a state's
       member of a union from regular union                from your employer                             unemployment compensation
       dues are included in your income on                                                                may be made by the state to its
       Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8.                     during periods of                              employees who aren’t covered
     However, if you contribute to a special              unemployment, under a                          by the state's unemployment
       union fund and your payments to the                 union agreement that                           compensation law.
       fund aren’t deductible, the                         guarantees you full pay                       Although the payments are fully
       unemployment benefits you receive                   during the year, are                           taxable, don’t report them as
       from the fund are includible in your                taxable as wages.                              unemployment compensation.
       income only to the extent they’re more                                                            Report these payments on
       than your contributions.                           Include them on line 1 of                      Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8.
                                                           Form 1040 or 1040-SR.                                                   131
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