Page 173 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 173

Court awards and damages.

    Court awards and damages.                                                                       Court awards and damages.

       To determine if settlement amounts                                                          4. Amounts received in settlement
        you receive by compromise or                                                                of pension rights (if you didn’t
        judgment must be included in your                                                           contribute to the plan).
        income, you must consider the item                                                          5. Damages for:
        that the settlement replaces.                                                                       1. Patent or copyright
       The character of the income as                                                                         infringement,
        ordinary income or capital gain                                                                     2. Breach of contract, or
        depends on the nature of the                                                                        3. Interference with
        underlying claim.                                                                                      business operations.
       Include the following as ordinary
                                                                                                        Court awards and damages.

  Court awards and damages.                                                                             6. Back pay and damages for
                                                                                                        emotional distress received to satisfy a
    1. Interest on any award.                                                                           claim under title VII of the Civil Rights
    2. Compensation for lost                                                                            Act of 1964.
        wages or lost profits in                                                                        7. Attorney fees and costs (including
        most cases.                                                                                     contingent fees) where the underlying
    3. Punitive damages, in                                                                             recovery is included in gross income.
        most cases. It doesn’t                                                                          8. Attorney fees and costs relating to
        matter if they relate to                                                                        whistleblower awards where the
        a physical injury or                                                                            underlying recovery is included in gross
        physical sickness.                                                                              income.

                                          /!\ Don’t include in your income compensatory damages
                                          for personal physical injury or physical sickness (whether

                                          received in a lump sum or installments). /!\                                              171
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