Page 48 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 48
Cancelled Debt
Student Loan Student Loan Student Loan
Certain student loans contain The federal government, a state An educational institution:
a provision that all or part of or local government, or an a. Under an agreement with an
the debt incurred to attend instrumentality, agency, or entity described in (1) or (2)
the qualified educational subdivision thereof; that provided the funds to the
institution will be canceled if A tax-exempt public benefit institution to make the loan, or
you work for a certain period corporation that has assumed b. As part of a program of the
of time in certain professions control of a state, county, or institution designed to
for any of a broad class of municipal hospital, and whose encourage its students to serve
employers. employees are considered in occupations with unmet
You don’t have income if your public employees under state needs or in areas with unmet
student loan is canceled after law; or needs and under which the
you agreed to this provision services provided by the
and then performed the students (or former students)
services required. are for or under the direction
To qualify, the loan must have of a governmental unit or a
been made by: tax-exempt organization
described in section 501(c)(3).
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