Page 54 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 54

Other Income - Host or Hostess

      Host or Hostess.
                                                                                                   Host or Hostess.

      • If you host a party or event at which sales                                                • The meals may be provided to a current
         are made, any gift or gratuity you receive                                                   or potential business customer, client,
         for giving the event is a payment for                                                        consultant, or similar business contact.
         helping a direct seller make sales.
      • You must report this item as income at its                                                 • Food and beverages that are provided
                                                                                                      during entertainment events will not be
         fair market value.
      • Your out-of-pocket party expenses are                                                         considered entertainment if purchased
                                                                                                      separately from the event.
         subject to the 50% limit for meal expenses.

         Host or Hostess.                                                                                   Host or Hostess.

         • For tax years 2018 through 2025, no                                                              • For more information about
            deduction is allowed for any                                                                       the 50% limit for meal
            expenses related to activities                                                                     expenses, see Pub. 463,
            generally considered entertainment,                                                                Travel, Gift, and Car Expenses.
            amusement, or recreation.
         • Taxpayers may continue to deduct
            50% of the cost of business meals if
            the taxpayer (or an employee of the
            taxpayer) is present and the food or
            beverages are not considered lavish
            or extravagant.

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