Page 31 - Employers watch out
P. 31
Military personal can still use
- The military community can also
file their taxes using MilTax, a free
tax resource offered through the
Department of Defense. Eligible
taxpayers can use MilTax to
electronically file a federal tax
return and up to three state
returns for free.
- Some t axpayers have ext ra
t ime
Some taxpayers may have extra
time to file their tax returns and
pay any taxes due. This includes
some disaster victims, taxpayers
living overseas, certain military Missed the Tax Day Deadline?
service members and eligible Here is what taxpayers should do
support personnel in combat
Taxpayers who weren't
required to file
- Some people may
choose not to file a tax
return because they
didn't earn enough
money to be required
to file.
/!\ More informat ion
- Generally, they won't
- For more information on federal taxes
receive a penalty if they
please visit /!\
are owed a refund, but
they risk missing out on
their refund.