Page 628 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 628

METHODOLOGY                                                   Respondents were then presented

                                                                             with 76 questions to answer regard-
                                                                             ing the particular details of the
               Who contributed to our survey?                                fraud case, including information

                                                                             about the perpetrator, the victim
                                                                             organization, and the methods of
               The 2018 Report to the Nations is based on
                                                                             fraud employed, as well as fraud
               the results of the 2017 Global Fraud Survey, an               trends in general. (Respondents
               online survey opened to 41,573 Certified Fraud                were not asked to identify the per-
               Examiners (CFEs) from July 2017 to October                    petrator or the victim.) We received
                                                                             7,232 total responses to the survey,
               2017. As part of the survey, respondents were                 2,690 of which were usable for

               asked to provide a narrative description of the               purposes of this report. The data
               single largest fraud case they had investigated               contained herein is based solely on
                                                                             the information provided in these
               since January 2016. Additionally, after com-
                                                                             2,690 survey responses.
               pleting the survey the first time, respondents

               were provided the option to submit information                Analysis Methodology
               about a second case that they investigated.                   In calculating the percentages
                                                                             discussed throughout this re-
                                                                             port, we used the total number of
                                                                             complete and relevant responses
                                                                             for the question(s) being analyzed.
                                                                             Specifically, we excluded any blank
                      Cases submitted were required to                       responses or instances where the
                      meet the following four criteria:                      participant indicated that he or

                                                                             she did not know the answer to a
                      1.  The case must have involved occupa-                question. Consequently, the total
                         tional fraud (defined as fraud committed            number of cases included in each
                         by a person against the organization for            analysis varies.
                         which he or she works).
                                                                             In addition, several survey ques-
                      2.  The investigation must have occurred               tions allowed participants to select
                         between January 2016 and the time of                more than one answer. Therefore,
                         survey participation.                               the sum of percentages in many fig-

                      3.  The investigation must have been com-              ures throughout the report exceeds
                         plete at the time of survey participation.          100%. The sum of percentages in
                                                                             other figures might not be exactly
                      4.  The respondent must have been                      100% (i.e., it might be 99% or 101%)
                         reasonably sure the perpetrator(s) was              due to rounding of individual cate-
                         (were) identified.                                  gory data.

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