Page 34 - Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN)
P. 34
- An ITIN only needs to be
renewed if it has expired
and is needed on a U.S.
federal tax return. If you
do not renew an expiring
Check your Individual Tax
or expired ITIN, the IRS
Identification Number (ITIN)
can still accept your tax
As a reminder, ITINs wit h middle digit s
return, but it may delay 70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,
processing it or delay tax 81,82,83,84,85,86,87 or 88 have expired.
In addit ion, ITINs wit h middle digit s
credits owed to you, such 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98 or 99, IF
as Child Tax Credit and the assigned before 2013, have expired.
American Opportunity Tax If you previously submit t ed a renewal
applicat ion and it was approved, you do
Credit, which can impact
not need t o renew again.
when you get your tax The IRS processes request s in t he order
refund. t hey were received. Your pat ience is
appreciat ed. You will be not ified once
- If your ITIN wasn't your ITIN is assigned or if addit ional
included on a U.S. federal informat ion is needed.
tax return at least once for
tax years 2020, 2021, and
/!\ More informat ion
2022, your ITIN will expire /!\
on December 31, 2023.