Page 91 - ur local cpa
P. 91

Long-t erm Capit al Gains rat es

 Filing Status 0% rate:   15% rate:   20% rate:

 Taxable income  Taxable income  Taxable income

 Married filing  $0 to $80,000  $80,001 to   $496,601 and

 jointly  $496,600  over
                                                       Tax Credit s

 Married filing  $0 to $40,000  $40,001 to   $248,301 and
                                                       for 2020
 separately  $248,300  over

 Heads of  $0 to $53,600  $53,601 to   $469,051 and

 household  $469,050  over

 Single $0 to $40,000  $40,001 to   $441,451 and

 $441,450  over

 Trusts and  $0 to $2,650  $2,651 to $13,150 $13,151and over


 All rates mentioned above are applicable for Tax Year   2020

   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96