Page 31 - Credits & Deductions in IRA_2022
P. 31

Clean Vehicle Credits

                                                        01           New Clean Vehicles

                                                                     Credits for New Clean
                                                                     Vehicles Purchased in
                                                                     2023 and after
            02           New EV

                         Credits for New
                         Electric Vehicles
                         purchased in 2022                           Used Clean Vehicles
                         and before                     03           Credits for Used                   The IRS is working on
                                                                     Clean Vehicles

           04            Commercial                                                                         implementing the Inflation

                                                                                                            Reduction Act of 2022. This
                         Commercial Clean
                                                                                                            major legislation will affect
                         Vehicle Credit
                                                        05           Incentives                             individuals, businesses, tax
                                                                     Incentives for
                                                                                                            exempt and government
                                                                     Biodiesel, Renewable
                                                                     Diesel and Alternative
                                                                     Fuels                              We’ll post guidance for
                                                                                                            taxpayers on all credits and
                                                                                                            deductions from the Inflation
                                                                                                            Reduction Act as it becomes
                                                                                                            available. Please check back
                                                                                                            regularly for updates.
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