Page 90 - Dependents for Individuals
P. 90
Accident or Health Plan
Multiple Support Agreement (MSA)
Sometimes no one provides more Multiple Support Agreement (MSA)
than half of the support of a
person. The person who claims the
Instead, two or more persons, person as a dependent must
each of whom would be able to keep these signed statements
claim the person as a dependent for his or her records.
but for the support test, together A multiple support declaration
provide more than half of the identifying each of the others
person's support. who agreed not to claim the
When this happens, you can person as a dependent must be
agree that any one of you who attached to the return of the
individually provides more than person claiming the person as a
10% of the person's support, but dependent.
only one, can claim the person as Form 2120 can be used for this
a dependent. purpose.
Each of the others must sign a You can claim someone as a
statement agreeing not to claim dependent under a multiple
the person as a dependent for support agreement for
that year. someone related to you or for
someone who lived with you all
year as a member of your