Page 16 - Programming VB.NET
P. 16

12                      Chapter 2: Graphical User Interface

                     Private Sub btnview_Click(ByVal sender As

                     System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
                     Handles btnview.Click

                             lblview.Text = "Hi " + txtname.Text +

                             ". Your reg num is " + txtreg.Text +
                             ". You choose subject " +
                             cbosubject.Text + " and  your lecturer
                             is " + lstlect.Text

                     picsaya.Image =

                     End Sub

                     Private  Sub  btnreset_Click(ByVal  sender  As

                     System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)
                     Handles btnreset.Click

                             lblview.Text = String.Empty

                             txtname.Text = ""

                             txtreg.Text = ""

                             picsaya.Visible = False

                     End Sub

                   2.2.1  Save the Project

                           Open the Visual Studio File menu and
                          choose Save All. This option saves the
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