Page 20 - kursus eBook
P. 20

U                                          θ


                        Figure 10.3.1 A uniform flow, U, impinges on a cylinder of radius R. The polar

                   coordinate frame is shown.

                   The problem posed by the flow configuration in Figure 10.3.1, assuming that the motion

                   is incompressible and irrotational, is to find a solution of Laplace’s equation that has zero
                   radial flow on the surface of the cylinder and approaches the  uniform, oncoming flow as

                   r goes to infinity. The uniform flow has a velocity potential,  ! = Ux  so that, in polar

                   coordinates, the problem is,

                             1 ! #  !" &  +  1 ! "
                             r !r $ r  !r '  r !) 2  = 0,
                                 = 0,           r = R,                            (10.3.3 a, b, c)

                             " * Ur cos),       r * +

                   It is a simple matter to check that a the solution satisfying the equation and all the
                   boundary conditions is,

                                        #    R &
                             ! = U cos" r +   r ' (  ,  r ) R                     (10.3.4)
                   so that the velocity components are,

                                   !"          %    R (
                             u   =    = U cos# 1$
                              (r)              '     2 *
                                   !r          &    r )
                                                  %    R (                        (10.3. 5 a, b)
                             u   =  1 !" = $U sin# 1+
                                                        2 *
                              (# )  r !#          '    r )

                   Chapter 10                                14
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