P. 64
Journey through the decade: An Agro-Wonderland Tale
G ateway for
agriculture research
MARDI Corporation Sdn Bhd Chief Executive Officer
lans are under way to relevant support services.
transform MAEPS into This initiative will also create a
P a marketplace to source new opportunity for MARDI to work
for agriculture and agro-based closely with the industry and offer
products while showcasing latest their services, research output and
research and technologies by the know-how to the industry.
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Besides, introducing value-added
Development Institute (MARDI). attractions, MAEPS will also explore
MARDI Corporation Sdn Bhd chief expanding its services to cover
executive officer Yazid Hamid shares meetings and conventions on top of
his insights and visions for MAEPS. exhibitions. We plan to invite the
private sector to work with us to
establish hotel and meeting facilities
to complete MAEPS’ offerings.
We aspire for MAEPS to become
We would like to see MAEPS become an agro wonderland and we know
the gateway for agriculture research, how to become one. We are working
innovation and commerce in towards realising that aspiration.
Malaysia. In the next 10 years, I foresee
We envision MAEPS will house MAEPS being regionally recognised
and host agri-tech start-ups and as the place to be for agriculture
private agri-tech research centres research, innovation and commerce
in five years. To do that, we must companies.”
first develop and establish the
agri-innovation ecosystem within
MAEPS to support the ‘incoming’
institutions, including having
purpose-built buildings with the