Page 50 - MAEPS - Journey Through the Decade
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Journey through the decade: An Agro-Wonderland Tale
B ack to basics
Chief Secretary to the Government of Malaysia
iding against the wind while Visitors can jog and exercise at MAEPS
enjoying nature – that is how while trails for ATVs will be made soon.”
R the Chief Secretary to the Given his portfolio with the
Government of Malaysia loves to spend government, Ismail is eager to assist
his free time. MAEPS by ensuring more ministries
Datuk Seri Dr Ismail Bakar loves horse and government agencies conduct
riding or sitting on his scrambler while programmes at the multi-purpose venue.
exploring the muddy trails at MAEPS.
And to him MAEPS should remain a
lifestyle venue for the masses.
“There should not be any over- MAEPS is a gem
development here. MAEPS has so much and a place where
potential to become a lifestyle park for
all,” said Dr Ismail Bakar, who served as you get to go back
secretary-general of the Agriculture and
Agro-based Industry Ministry from 2015 to basics.
to 2018.
“The long-term plan is to gazette
MAEPS into a public park. Development
can be carried out only for agricultural “It should also be developed for
purposes or to promote agrotourism but enthusiasts who want to take up
not highrise buildings. We don’t want agriculture seriously. MAEPS can be the
this place to turn into a concrete jungle.” first step to your agriculture journey.”
Ismail has every reason to be So where does Ismail sees MAEPS in
protective of MAEPS as he has the next 10 years?
documented many fond memories here, “The plan was to turn MAEPS into an
both on horses and motorcycles. Despite agro-wonderland and I would like to
his hectic schedule, he still finds time to see that happen. There’s something for
unwind at MAEPS at least once a week. everyone and with government support,
“It’s the closes location from Kuala I am sure MAEPS will grow even bigger
Lumpur that allows visitors to indulge in than it is today.”
healthy activities at an affordable price.
It’s a gem and a place where you get to
go back to basics.”
He added there were two lakes in
MAEPS for fishing activities.
“They are suitable for kayaking too.