Page 59 - MAEPS - Journey Through the Decade
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Journey through the decade: An Agro-Wonderland Tale
park that educates
Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry
F there was one of its clients.
fond memory Datuk “It’s a great place for families to have
I Sallehhuddin Hassan can picnics, jog around the lake. There’s
recall while in MAEPS, it would be his actually plenty to do.”
visit there in 2014. He added MAEPS would be a great
“I had just joined the Agriculture and green space to cater for Greater
Agro-based Industry Ministry when I Kuala Lumpur.
accompanied the then minister. There “MAEPS is between Kuala Lumpur
was an exhibition where we were and KL International Airport (KLIA).
allowed to touch and pet animals.
“It was a fun and memorable
experience, to be so close to an albino
python, chickens, goats and deer but
I told myself this would be beneficial We will ensure
to children. Some of them don’t even MAEPS will not
know what a chicken looks like!”
Sallehhuddin, who spent 10 years be overly developed
with the Education Ministry before
that, said he was well aware of MAEPS’ and that it remains
existence since 2008 as the ministry a green lung.
conducted programmes there.
He admitted Malaysian students
lacked the experience of exploring and
learning beyond classrooms. We could look into adding more
“And this is where MAEPS can help ... infrastructure to further modernise
we stay true to MAEPS’ objectives and MAEPS but the development will not
focus and given the right support and jeopardise its identity and purpose.”
added facilities, MAEPS can be an Sallehhuddin maintained MAEPS will
educational park where students can stay true to its cause.
learn more about food, animals and “I would like to see more petting zoos,
everything related to agriculture.” more activities on a daily basis. I want
Sallehhuddin said the middle-term to see MAEPS come alive, like a theme
approach would see smart partnerships park but greener, healthier and back to
being struck to lure more visitors nature.”
“MAEPS is not just a venue provider.
There’s just so much that can be done.
It has transformed over the years
and now knows the needs and wants