Page 4 - Cexito(China)奢士拓(中国)_Catalogue(2018)
P. 4

wood and frame doors                                  木门边框门系列
             glass doors                                           玻璃门系列
             industrial doors                                      重型门系列
             cupboard doors                                        衣柜门系列

             C1         -  ZN          -  SRA126            -  cls

             Series     -  Function    -  Product Type      -  Expention
             产品系列          产品功能           产品型号                 功能扩展
                                                                                                                                    BS EN:1527S EN:1527  European Committee for Standardization
             C1                                                    C1
                                                                                                                                    Buiding hardware
            C:Cexito                                              C:奢士拓                                                             --Hardware for sliding doors and folding doors
            C:High-end products, elegant consumption ideas        奢:高端的产品,高雅的消费理念                                                   --Requirements and test methods
            X:A savour consumer group                             士:有品味的消费群体
            T:Enterprising spirit, never stop                     拓:进取精神,永不止步
            C1:sliding door system                                C1:移门系统
                                                                                                                                   BS EN:1527S EN:1527
            C2:bathroom pendant                                   C2:卫浴挂件                                                          B               欧洲标准化委员会
            C3:handle                                             C3:定制拉手
            C4:locks and doors hardware                           C4:门锁五金                                                          建筑五金
            C5:shower room                                        C5:淋浴房                                                           --移门和折叠门五金
            CM:“ceximmen”brand door                               CM:“ceximmen”                                                    --要求和测试方法

             ZN                                                    ZN
                                                                                                                                     ...   4     3     0    ...   2    ...    1    3    ...
            ZN:Function number                                    ZN:功能号
            Vacancy:default represents a general sliding door system  空缺:默认 -普通移门系统
            ZN:represents softbrake sliding door system           ZN:            -阻尼移门系统                                            1,Catagory of use                                   1,用途分类
            BZD:represents alto-closing sliding door system       BZD:         -半自动系统                                                   No grade identified for these products              此类产品没有等级识别
            2LD:represents progressive sliding door system        2LD:          -联动系统,数字表示门扇数量                                      2,Durability                                        2,耐久性
            2DK:represents sincro sliding door system             2DK:         -对开联动系统,数量表示门扇数量                                         Six grade of durability are identified for door fittings:      共有6等级识别:
            Zd:represents folding door system                     ZD:           -折叠门系统                                                  -grade1=2,500 test cycles                           -等级1=2,500 往返
            HX:represents arc sliding door system                 HX:           -弧形门系统                                                  -grade2=5,000 test cycles                           -等级2=5,000 往返
            GC:represents GC series system                        GC:          -谷仓门系统                                                   -grade3=10,000 test cycles                          -等级3=10,000 往返
            YG:represents YG series system                        YG:          -圆形导轨的办公系统                                               -grade4=25,000 test cycles                          -等级4=25,000 往返
            FG:represents FG series system                        FG:          -方形导轨的办公系统                                               -grade5=50,000 test cycles                          -等级5=50,000 往返
            SD:represents SD series sliding door system           SD:          -水滴系列的平开门办公系统                                            -grade6=100,000 test cycles                         -等级6=100,000 往返
            SB:represents SB series sliding door system           SB:          -圆柱棒系列的平开门办公系统                                       3,Door mass                                         3,门的质量
            MAG:represents magnetic auto-matic sliding door system  MAG:      -磁动直线电机移门系统                                               Four grade are identified:                          共分四个等级识别:
            MOTO:represents auto-matic partition system           MOTO:   -自动的隔断系统                                                      -grade1=door up to 50kg                             -等级1=门重达 50kg
            IN:represents in-line series cupboard door system     IN:           -IN-LINE的衣柜移门系统                                         -grade2=door from 51kg to 100kg                     -等级2=门重达 51kg 到 100kg
            POKET:represent POKET series cupboard door system     POKET: -旋转隐藏衣柜门 W1:单扇  W2:双扇  W3:3扇                                   -grade3=door from 101kg to 330kg                    -等级3=门重达101kg 到 330kg
                                                                                                                                        -grade4=door over 330kg                             -等级4=门重> 330kg
                                                                                                                                    4,Fire resistance
             SRA126                                                SRA126                                                               Two grade of fire resistance are identified:    4,防火性
                                                                                                                                        -grade 0=not approved for use on the fire door assemblies;      共分两个等级识别:
            S:S series  E:E series  C:C series                    S:-S系列  E:-E系列  C:-C系列                                                -grade1=suitable for use on the fire door assemblies.      -等级0=不许可用于防火门;
            RA:RA hanging plate  A:A hanging plate                RA:连接方式为RA挂片  A:表示连接方式为A挂片                                        5,Safty                                                 -等级1=适合用于防火门.
            Number:loading bearing level                          数字:表示承重级别,                                                            No grade identified for these products.         5,安全
                      80:80kg                                               80:表示80kg                                               6,Corrosion resistance                                  此类产品不适用于此等级.
                      120:120kg                                             120:表示120kg                                                 Products are classified from 1 to 4 according to the five   6,耐腐蚀性
                      300:300kg                                             300:表示300kg                                                 grades defined in En1670.                           根据 En1670产品的耐腐蚀性被分成四个等级
                                                                                                                                        Grade 0 is for products not tested.                 0表示此类产品不做此试验.
                                                                                                                                    7,Security                                          7,保安级别
                                                                                                                                        No grade identified for these products.             此类产品没有此分类等级.
             cls                                                   cls                                                              8,Category of door                                  8,门的类别
                                                                                                                                        Three grades are identified:                        共分为三个等级识别:
            Function expansion:supplement function items          功能扩展:用来补充说明功能项,小写字每表示                                                  -grade1=sliding door;                               -等级1=移门;
                            c:compact softbrake, joint softbrake              c:表示紧凑型的阻尼器,连体阻尼器,                                         -grade2=folding door;                               -等级2=折叠门;
                            l:a lengthened backseat                           l:表示加长型的后座longer                                           -grade3=multi-panel folding door.                   -等级3=多扇折叠门.
                            s:double softbrake d:single softbrake                     s:表示双阻尼 d:表示单阻尼

                                                                                                                                          玫瑰金瑰金            钛金                                                 黑沙金              哑黑
                                                                                                                                          R                TI               RSB              CPB              BG               MB

                                                                                                                                          沙光               亮光青古铜            哑光青古铜            红古铜              黄古铜              太空铝
                                                                                                                                          BSN              PAB              SAB              RB               YB               AL
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9