Page 42 - Magazine Azim Print
P. 42


          De Rotterdam has a glass façade
          with      vertical     aluminium
          mullions, which accommodate
          the varied requirements of each
          programme. The depth of the
          mullions  is  150mm,  while  the                                                 The façade design
          grid is 900mm-deep. The                                                          has been kept
          maximum  glass  percentage,                                                      neutral         and
          width  of  the  mullions,  floor                                                 transparent;  the
          height  and spandrel height                                                      d yn am i c
          differ depending on each                                                         appearance of the
          programme. The façade of the                                                     building          is
          housing tower consists of                                                        determined by the
          sliding doors and windows while                                                  varied  day  cycles
          low-rise offices and hotel                                                       of  the  different
          façades have operable mullions.                                                  programs.       The
          Construction of the façades took                                                 deep      mullions
          place unit by unit. A typical                                                    allow  the  glazed
          façade unit is 1,800mm wide and                                                  facades to appear
          one storey-high.                                                                 more     open    or
                                                                                           closed,  depending
                                                                                           on              the

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