Page 3 - ELs Handbook 2020-2021
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Federal and State laws require that all LEAs have a board approved EL Policy. The Board Policy for the Plum Borough School District can be found as an attachment at the end of this section of the handbook.
Pennsylvania Code (22 Pa. Code, section 4.26) requires that all students for whom responses to the Home Language Survey indicate that another language other than English is spoken in the home be assessed for potential placement in the program. (Certain criteria may exempt them from such assessment – please see the BEC included in the PDE Documents Section).
For newly enrolled students who do not come with records indicating that they are currently enrolled in an EL program from another LEA, the following individuals or organization will review the Home Language Survey and any relevant documentation to determine whether assessment is necessary:
Within the Plum Borough School District, Holiday Park Elementary School is the satellite school for all identified ELL students (Kindergarten - Sixth Grade). A.E. Oblock Junior High School (grades 7 - 8) and PLum Senior High School (grades 9 - 12) are satellite schools for all identified ELL students.
Please contact the Plum Borough School District with any questions on EL identification or questions regarding the home language survey (412) 795 - 0100.
The State of Pennsylvania requires all LEAs to use the WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT). All individuals who administer this test must be certified through WIDA by taking the ACCESS for ELs training on an annual basis. Proof of certification can be downloaded and printed and should be updated annually.
The following documents pertain to identification and assessment and should be part of the handbook: