P. 15
necessary tools to execute the theft with precision. Their actions Based on the available information and my instincts, the former
indicate a deliberate targeting of these specific paintings, theory involving a vengeful, terminated employee aligns more
highlighting a clear understanding of their value. The thief closely with the evidence. This strongly suggests that the theft
came well-prepared, equipped with the appropriate tools, and was an inside job from beginning to end. As we continue to
swiftly carried out the operation during an opportune moment advance in this investigation, our objective remains clear: to find
of distraction. our lost patrimony pieces and bring them back to their rightful
places, ensuring justice is served for our history and cultural
It is worth noting that within the same gallery, other artworks of heritage. My intention with this publication is to encourage
greater value were present. However, these three paintings were anyone with information, regardless of its nature, to come
placed in “blind” corners, obstructing the security guards’ clear forward and contribute to this ongoing inquiry. Rest assured,
line of sight to them. Motivation and opportunity must align for anonymity will be respected and protected. My objective is not
such crimes to occur. Based on the information gathered thus to harm individuals; rather, as a private investigator, I aim to
far, two individuals have emerged as persons of interest in my facilitate the return of these national treasures to their rightful
investigation. owners—the people of Puerto Rico.
Every action has context. A year prior to the theft, Governor As the investigation progresses, I am determined to uncover
Luis Fortuño enacted Public Law 7, known as Ley 7, which the truth. Together, let’s work towards recovering these stolen
mandated downsizing within the central government, resulting treasures and safeguarding the legacy they embody.
in the dismissal of numerous Puerto Ricans from their jobs.
The Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña (ICP) was not exempt Fernando Fernández, PI
from this, leading to the termination of several employees. It is
plausible that one of these individuals, harboring resentment
and seeking revenge, was motivated to target the museum by
stealing three unique and irreplaceable paintings. About the Author
Fernando Fernández has been
My second theory involves a collaboration between a similar awarded different awards
disgruntled employee and a local politician who shares a throughout his career:
passion for José Campeche’s work. This politician would also
have a motive - putting Puerto Nuevo Security Guard, Inc., the Awarded:
private security guard’s employer, in a situation where they 2018 International Investigator of the Year - Council International
would end up fired and ridiculed, so that this politician can push of Investigators.
their own agenda on the museum’s security appointment. And
since this same politician has a penchant for Campeche’s work, Nominated:
they would certainly welcome the opportunity to have three of Private Investigator of the Year 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2018 for the
World Association of Detectives
his unique originals in their living room.
First Latin American and Puerto Rican speaker at The World
Furthermore, I am pursuing additional leads, including the fact Investigators Conference 2016.
that one of the stolen frames was damaged during the robbery.
There are rumors that the responsible party attempted to First Latin American and Puerto Rican speaker at the Super
contact local art galleries to have the frame repaired, yet their Investigators Conference 2018.
requests were denied. | March 2024 13