Page 109 - WhyAsInY
P. 109
a MissteP, a MisnoMer, anD soMe eleMentary MisaDventures
room to read his winning effort to your class, try not to react with incredulity or, worse, giggle when he recites the introduction to a composition that purports to exemplify his superior use of language by reading aloud, “Words cannot express . . .”
• When you are taken by the Rosens to “Brighton Private,” the club to which they belong, protect your fair skin from the bright sun during the many hours that you are spending at the beach, because, if you don’t, you will develop a second-degree sunburn, and your shoul- ders and back will blister to the point where it will be too painful to wear a shirt for almost a week. There probably were better ways to get out of wearing the dumb costume that you would have had to wear had you not thereby avoided performing that stupid Russian dance that you had been scheduled to perform at graduation.
• Although it may be admirable in some sense to voluntarily create a fifty-page report on multicolored construction paper, devoting one page to each of the forty-eight states, it is unwise and a huge waste of energy to start the project during the last week of school—and hand it in on the very last day that you will spend in P.S. 193.
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