Page 172 - WhyAsInY
P. 172
Why (as in yaverbaum)
Answer: If you wrote, “If I determine that the catcher has a lousy arm, then I think that I can steal abase on him,” then you are probably headed to the University of Florida. If you wrote, “He would not abase himself by pleading guilty to a crime that he did not commit,” then we know that you started to study your vocabulary lists in preparation for this test, and that you’re therefore motivated.
8. Use “abash” in a sentence.
Answer: If you wrote, “I hear that there’s going to be a heck of abash at Beta on Saturday,” you’re headed for the U of T. If, on the other hand, you wrote something like, “She was abashed when she walked into the wrong room in the fraternity house,” we know that you continued with the vocabulary lists to prepare for this and are therefore very motivated, but we also know that you’d still like to go to the U of T.
9. Use “syzygy” in a sentence.
Answer: Wow, you got that far in the SAT study lists? Or, if you knew it without the lists, you’re going to Cal Tech.
10. Use “mxyzptlk” in a sentence.
Answer: If you wrote, “Superman should beware of Mr. Mxyzptlk,” you’re reading too many comic books and will have to stay at home.
11. Use “kltpzyxm” in a sentence.
Answer: Don’t. If you are Mr. Mxyzptlk, you might disappear.
12. What is the author’s main theme in this section? Answer: Well, now you’ve got to keep reading.
Obviously, what I have just put in front of you is not exactly what we had to contend with from sophomore year on, but it is somewhat of a simulacrum. (Okay, no one talks that way, but I wanted to show you that I did at least a modicum of studying for the exams.) A good part of
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