Page 255 - WhyAsInY
P. 255
Mass revival
(a far easier job, if you ask me). I will speak a bit more about my thesis in the “Comprehensive Coverage” section of this chapter, which I will devote exclusively to certain academic events that occurred during my senior year.
In the meantime, it is worth noting that I made Dean’s List during each of the semesters of junior year and in the first semester of senior year as well.
Social Pro
The social side of things—and when I say “social,” I mean that in the broadest sense—significantly improved when I returned to school.
First, on the male side of things, my rooming with Charlie signifi- cantly widened the circle of guys with whom I was friendly. I remained friendly with Nick and Sam and, among others, other fraternity broth- ers who were now seniors, but I also became friendly with Charlie’s circle of friends, principally Mark Guyer (who became Deputy Direc- tor of the National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH), Peter McGrath (who would write for Newsweek before I would ultimately lose track of him), David Browder (who is Professor of Mathematics Emeri- tus at Simmons College and is married to his high school and college sweetheart, Rusty), and John Sessions (who, I believe, would become or still is an instructor of French at Nichols Academy, near Buffalo, New York, and is, I know, married to Ann Montgomery, who was fixed up with John by me and her roommate at Smith, Susan Benson, about whom more later). These friendships became even more important when the Class of ’65, of which I was (and, officially, still am) a member, graduated.
I’m pretty sure that Charlie, John, Mark, and probably Peter and Dave worked with me as busboys at Valentine Hall for a semester or two. I treated busing, from which I earned money in addition to that which my parents sent to me, much like I treated waiting on tables at Camp Kee-Wah. I felt compelled to systematize and perfect the process.
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