Page 257 - WhyAsInY
P. 257

Mass revival
weekend. (There might actually have been a separate award for the tri- fecta, but I don’t recall.) There was talk in the case of some especially meritorious repeat champions of retiring the applicable award or awards, for a semester anyway. But for obvious reasons, mostly relating to the chilling effect of retirement on the incentives that one wished to reward and encourage, no award was ever retired, at least in recorded history.
The fact that the Recording Secretary would feign taking minutes in no way relieved the person who held that job from actually reading minutes at the next Goat. That job was somewhat related to the one held by Sid Caesar in his mock jazz band performances on Your Show of Shows. He would play the “radar,” in order to warn the group when it was getting too close to the melody. The Recording Secretary would have to play both roles and keep his minutes sounding somewhat like the real thing, but, if true discipline were shown, the words would bear next to no relationship to the truth. They would, on the other hand, have to elicit laughter from the normally inattentive and uncontrollable band of brothers.
I must have succeeded occasionally, as word of the quality of the minutes somehow leaked out to the staff of the college humor magazine, Sabrina (named after the nymphet subject of the statue for which the Lord Jeffrey Inn is not likely to be renamed), and I was asked by its edi- tor—the future Ken Reeves (in White Shadow), Thomas Jefferson (in 1776), and president of the Screen Actors Guild, Ken Howard, Class of ’66—to furnish some of my product for publication and thereafter to do some other pieces.
Then there is the female side of my social life, which was vastly improved when compared with what I had left behind.
Through Nick Hardin’s girlfriend, Sue, and Dave Browder’s girl- friend, Rusty, I was fortunate to have made some real friendships at Smith. It happened that Sue and Rusty both lived in the same house, Emerson, the first house on the right as you enter what was referred to as the “Quad.” Because of Sue and Rusty, I became very friendly with Eileen Greenberg, a junior from Revere, Massachusetts, and her best friend, Pam Cuming, also a junior but from Greenwich, Connecticut.
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