Page 384 - WhyAsInY
P. 384

Why (as in yaverbaum)
• WemovedagaininOctober1972,thistimeto31FarragutRoad,our six(!)-bedroom, front-to-back split-level house in Scarsdale, where we would live together for another twelve and one-half years.
• Peter was born on April 19, 1974.
• Phyllis and I separated for a two-week period in late 1977.
• On February 1, 1978, I became a partner in the Rosenman firm.
• Rachel was born on October 11, 1978.
• On January 29, 1983, what I have identified as the pivotal event occurred.
• I stopped smoking (for good) on May 7, 1984, and taught Rachel how to ride her bicycle later that day.
• Phyllis and I split up for good on May 7, 1985, after seventeen years of marriage.
• We signed the Separation Agreement in November 1987, and our Final Judgment of Divorce was filed on March 9, 1988, almost nine- teen years after our wedding.
• Months thereafter, acting pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 4 of article 15 of the Separation Agreement, I participated in a cere- mony wherein, in front of a rabbi and two witnesses, constituting the “bet din,” I circled my hand three times above Phyllis’s head, repeated a prayer in Hebrew, and, as she desired, presented her with a get.
Other obvious mileposts on the calendar were vacations and par- ties. The two of us went alone to England when Phyllis was pregnant with Danny, and alone to Puerto Rico for close to a week in 1974 when
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