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Why (as in yaverbaum)
execute and deliver a Separation Agreement that provides as aforesaid.
16. Defendant consents to the rendering by the Court and the filing of a Final Judgment of Divorce on or prior to March 9, 1988, the first anniversary of the execution and delivery of the Separation Agreement, and thereafter to participate in a ceremony wherein, in front of two witnesses and a rabbi who is not Arnold Turetsky, he will circle his hand three times above plaintiff’s head, repeat a prayer in Hebrew, and present plaintiff with a get.
The Dating Game
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single lawyer in possession of a modest income and three children must be in want of a wife or, in any event, a good date, damn it.
It is also a truth to be individually acknowledged that it is impossi- ble to treat honestly with the approximately 2,400,000 very slow minutes of my single life without devoting any ink to the subject of dating.
I have, as you might appreciate, hesitated to address my social activ- ities between marriages for any number of reasons: embarrassment, self-protection, fear of boring the reader, fear of interesting the reader, and a highly developed sense of decorum and propriety (me?), all being high on the list. You’ll note, however, that fear of being considered a braggart does not even begin to make the cut for rejection. Deservedly so. But, as was the case with my dating life, I have resolved to throw cau- tion to the winds and plunge ahead.
In the beginning, there was nothing, nothing to go on, nothing to go to, and no desire or ability to create a new world. Creating—or, more properly, re-creating—was the farthest thing from my mind. I was once again an only child, immobilized and very much feeling like a “fay- wyuh,” except that now I knew how to pronounce it. There was no
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